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From the Author

I'm traveling all this week so my normal posting schedule is a little bit off. Apologies to those of you expecting some dots yesterday, I was on 3 different planes that all had unusable internet. Such first world problems.

Starting the Week Off Right

From the Author

Newsletter Day

From the Author

Today's the day I'll be sending out the second issue of the Design Dots Roundup. I'm still a little clumsy with getting all of the content put together on it, but it's easy enough using Revue. If you happen to be looking for a great newsletter service, Revue is pretty killer 🤘

Rainy Days in the West

From the Author

Looks like it's raining pretty hard out on the west coast of the US. Here's hoping that all of that rain doesn't cause some nasty mudslides because of those awful wildfires. 🤞

Rhythm is Gonna Get Ya

From the Author

I'm finding a bit of a rhythm in curating and posting these links each day. The number one tool I use to organize all of these things is Notion — hands down my favorite product of the year. I've also been working on setting up better paging (since we're getting pretty long here on the homepage) and an improved experience around filtered content in the archive. More to come!